5 How To Delete Cache On A Lemot IPhone Easy To Get Back On Air

YOGYAKARTA Lemot iPhone phones can be caused by many things, one of which is cache. To clean them, there are some easy ways you can do it. How to clear cache on iPhone is also quite simple.

Cache is a collection of user activities when associated with applications or websites. Simply put, cache can also be called temporary data. Even though it is temporary, cache can also accumulate and spill in memory, causing the phone's performance to become slow. Cache will accumulate even more along with the high use of applications or websites.

Untuk clear cache, ada beberapa langkah mudah yang bisa Anda lakukan. Berikut ini cara menghapus cache di smartphone iPhone.

1. Clear Cache iPhone Via Storage

The application installed on the iPhone has clear cache and data features. iPhone users can also monitor the amount of data storage and clean the cache in the application. Here's a cache delete event that can be done.

2. Clear Cache iPhone Via Safari Browser

The second way to clear the cache on the iPhone is through the Safari browser, Apple's default application. Safari also accounts for a cache that has the potential to make the phone more sluggish. But it should be noted that when deleting the cache on the safari, you will logo automatically on the linked account. Here's how to clear the cache.

3. Clear Cache iPhone Via Chrome

You also have to clear the Chrome cache on your iPhone. Some people prefer to use chrome for browsing. Here's how to clear cache on your iPhone.

4. Clear Cache iPhone Via iCloud

In iOS, iCloud is used for online data storage media. Although it doesn't have much impact, you can delete some unused files that have the potential to make iPhone slow when accessing iCloud.

5. Clear Cache iPhone with Restart

You can also restart your iPhone to anticipate cache-induced slowdown. To do so, you can simply hold the power button for a few seconds. Later a restart option will appear and wait a while until the phone returns to normal work.

That's information related to how to clear cache on an iPhone. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.