Severe Traffic Jams In Jambi, Police Request To Ministry Of Energy And Mineral Resources For Coal And CPO Shipments To Be Temporarily Halted

JAMBI - Jambi Regional Police requested that the Director General of Mineral and Coal (Minerba) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources temporarily suspend the activities of trucking coal and crude palm oil or CPO in Jambi.

The request was sent by letter with the number B/1635/X/REN.5./2022. The letter contained suggestions for the temporary suspension of mining operations, coal transportation, and CPO transportation following the repair of damaged roads and box culvert work.

The Head of Public Relations of the Jambi Police, Kombes Pol. Mulia Prianto, said the request letter was issued in response to the improvement of road infrastructure that had caused a long traffic jam for coal trucks in Jambi for the past few days.

"During the last three days, there has been an increase in the mobility of vehicles carrying coal, especially those that pass along the coal transport crossing, causing congestion and road damage at several points that require immediate handling," he said, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, October 12.

There are several points for repairing damaged roads and working on box culverts, Mulia explained, among others, at South Ring Road II and Pal 10 South Ring Road, Penerokan Village, Batanghari Regency, and the Tempino-Bajubang Cross Road, Muarojambi Regency.

Next, work on box culverts on Jambi-Sungai Duren Street in front of the UIN STS Jambi campus.

He emphasized that from the number of damaged roads and the work on the box culvert, the Jambi Police hoped that the Director General of Mineral and Coal at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources would issue a circular to mining companies and transport fleet owners to temporarily stop mining operations and transport coal and CPO transportation.

"This is done to break down congestion and provide space for repairs to damaged roads in these locations until the roads are good and passable," he said.