Accelerate Business Transformation, SOEs Target 200 Thousand Digital Talents

JAKARTA - Digital development has brought Indonesia to a big leap of economic transformation. During the pandemic, digital technology also supports and forms a new face to the national economy. Along with the rapid development of technology, digital talent is a necessity in all companies, including SOEs.

The Ministry of SOEs is also targeting around 200,000 digital talents within state-owned companies. To achieve this target, the ministry led by Erick Thohir collaborates with the Indonesian Digital Forum (FORDIGI) to initiate the development of digital talent capabilities within SOEs through the Socialization of the SOE Digital Talent Program and the Sharing Session for SOE Data Security.

The Deputy for Human Resources at the Ministry of SOEs, Tedi Bharata, said that the existence of FORDIGI is very strategic to accelerate business transformation within SOEs.

"Without the involvement of Top Level Management in SOEs, digital transformation will not occur. Especially if we can consolidate our IT needs so that cost efficacy will be higher," Tedi said in an official statement, Wednesday, October 5.

Tedi also hopes that the BUMN Human Capital Directors will play an active role in encouraging their employees to participate in the SOE Digital Talent program that will be run. Currently, the SOE Digital Talent program has three main programs.

The program in question is to develop digital capabilities through learning platforms, certify and appreciate SOE digital talents, and form a digital talent community within SOEs.

"Until 2024, the SOE Digital Talent Program targets as many as 200,000 SOE digital talents," he said.

Meanwhile, the General Chair of FORDIGI, Fajrin stated that the need for SOEs for digital talent is increasingly urgent. Plus the increasing use of technology in state-owned companies, the capability in using and managing digital technology is increasingly needed.

"If not now, SOEs will continue to be left behind with private industries that have become more and more transformed," explained Fajrin.