Police Update Kanjuruhan Tragedy Victims: 131 People Died
JAKARTA - The victims of the Kanjuruhan Tragedy have increased again. The National Police revealed that 131 people died after the Arema FC vs. Persebaya Surabaya match became chaotic on Saturday, October 1 night.
The Head of the National Police Public Relations Division, Inspector General Pol. Dedi Prasetyo said the latest data was compiled after verification and checking with the Health Service (Dinkes), the DVI Team, and the hospital director.
"So the data on the death toll is 131 people," said Dedi when confirmed, Wednesday, October 5.
Dedi admitted that there was a discrepancy in the data on the death toll due to the DVI Team and the Health Office.
He explained that initially only the victims were taken to the hospital. After matching the data, it is known that 12 victims died not in health facilities.
"Non-health facilities are the cause of the difference, after last night the data was matched with the health department, the DVI team, and the hospital director," said Dedi.
The details of the death toll based on Antara's report recorded 44 people in three government hospitals, namely Kanjuruhan Hospital as many as 21 people, Bhayangkara Hasta Brata Batu Hospital as many as two people, and Dr. Saiful Anwar Hospital Malang as many as 20 people.
Then as many as 75 deaths were recorded in seven private hospitals, namely Gondanglegi Hospital as many as four people, Wafa Husada Hospital as many as 53 people, Teja Husada Hospital as many as 13 people, Hasta Husada Hospital as many as three people, Ben Mari Hospital as many as one person, Soepraoen Hospital as many as one person and Salsabila Hospital as many as one person.
Then as many as 12 people died outside health facilities.
As of today, Wednesday, October 5, the National Police have questioned 29 witnesses related to the Kanjuruhan Tragedy. Of those examined, 23 of them were members of the National Police and six others were witnesses at the scene.
In addition, the Polri Labfor Team is also still investigating six CCTV locations spread across doors 3, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13. Then laboratory tests for blood droplets are carried out at doors 11 to 13.