Knowing The Benefits Of Manucca Honey To Overcome Acne In Face Skin

YOGYAKARTA There are many ways to deal with acne on facial skin. One of them is with honey which is not only beneficial for the skin but million to increase immunity. In consuming honey, it can be put into tea, adding in bread, to drinking it directly.

Honey has been used for centuries to heal wounds and treat the skin. In honey there is a powerful ingredient, especially manuka honey. According to board-certified dermatologist Claire Chang, MD., manuka honey is equivalent to antibiotic ingredients to heal wounds. When combined with other skincare ingredients, it can be useful for maintaining skin moisture.

Honey manuka is produced by honey bees that eat manuka trees in New Zealand. Most honey obtains antibacterial properties from hydrogen peroxide, but manuka varieties are unique, reported by Byrdie, Sunday, September 18. In manuka honey contains hydrogen peroxia and amthyllyoxal. The higher the concentration of Amthyllyoxal, the more effective it is in fighting bacteria.

The assessment scale in manuka honey is known as Unique Manuka Factor (UMF), which measures the potential for amthyloxal. Given this good content, manuka honey can be useful for a lot, such as treating wounds, burns, and lesions. Manuka honey based on research is also beneficial for other problems such as acne and eczema.

In addition to the potential for acne healing, manuka honey also fades scars. This is because the honey contains hydrogen peroside which is considered a skin brightener and helps fade hyperpigmentation.

To treat pain, manuka honey can also be relied on. Such as pain from wounds and boils. Several studies have also shown this honey reduces pain, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant. As for moisturizing the skin, the sugar component in honey helps maintain skin moisture.

Who should not wear or eat manuka honey? People who are allergic to bees need to avoid using manuka honey. Consuming honey also risks increasing blood sugar. Therefore, diabetic patients must be careful and get a recommendation from a doctor first before consuming honey. In addition, babies aged less than a year are also not allowed to use honey. But if used in the form of cosmetics, it will not be a problem as long as the formula is safe for your skin.