Become A Corruption Suspect For The Procurement Of Gerobak, Head Of The Finance And Head Of The TU Division Of The Ministry Of Trade Has Not Been Detained

JAKARTA - The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police has named the Head of the Finance and Subdivision of TU of the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) for the 2018-2019 period as suspects in alleged corruption in the procurement of carts. However, they have not been arrested until now.

"Not yet (detained, ed)," said the Director of Corruption Crimes at the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency Brigadier General Cahyono Wibowo to reporters, Wednesday, September 7.

The reason behind the detention of Putu Indra Wijaya and Bunaya Priambudi was not carried out because investigators were still collecting supporting evidence.

So, when the detention is carried out, investigators can immediately complete the file and transfer it to the Prosecutor's Office.

"There is still (evidence that must be completed, ed), so we see the difference between handling corruption cases, we are still coordinating," he said.

Nevertheless, Cahyono emphasized that he had taken certain steps to prevent them from escaping. The trick, by applying for demarcation to Immigration.

"We have done the person concerned so that we can monitor it," said Cahyono.

The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police has named two suspects in the alleged corruption case in the procurement of carts at the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag). Apparently, the two suspects are commitment making officials (PPK).

The two suspects are Putu Indra Wijaya as Head of Finance Sesditjen PDN Kemendag and Bunaya Priambudi who served as Head of the TU DJPDN Section of the Ministry of Trade.

In this corruption case, Putu manipulated the data of the carts that should have been 7,200 units. However, only 2,500 units are provided

In addition, he also received bribes of Rp800 million. The bribe was said to regulate the auction process so that the bribe vendor won.

Meanwhile, Bunaya's role is not much different. He only worked on 3,111 units of carts out of a total of 3,570 units of agreed carts in the work contract.

Later, he also received a bribe of Rp. 1.1 billion. However, his role was not detailed beyond the receipt of the money.

In this case, both of them are suspected of under Article 2 paragraph (1) and/or Article 3 and/or Article 5 Paragraph (2) or Article 12 letter a or b or Article 11 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption Crimes Juncto Article 55 paragraph (1) 1 of the Criminal Code.