Attorney General Orders High Prosecutor To Help Regional Government Controlling Inflation

JAKARTA - Attorney General Sanitiar Burhanuddin instructed all heads of the high prosecutor's office (kajati) to help local governments control inflation by providing assistance and supervision regarding the use of unexpected spending (BTT).

"The head of the high prosecutor's office and the state attorney's office must act quickly and appropriately in carrying out the Instructions of the Minister of Home Affairs and in its implementation can collaborate with stakeholders to resolve inflation in the regions," said Burhanuddin in a written statement, Monday, September 5.

Burhanuddin asked his staff to pay attention to the Circular of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 500/4825/SJ concerning the Use of BTT in the Context of Controlling Regional Inflation.

According to Burhanuddin, several steps can be taken by the prosecutor's office. First, to coordinate with local, provincial and district/city governments in assisting the use of unexpected spending to control inflation in the regions to support government policies to maintain supply availability, food price affordability, public purchasing power, support smooth distribution, and regional economic stability.

Second, form a legal assistance team through the civil and state administration fields in the context of accelerating the use of unexpected expenditures to control inflation in the regions starting from planning to implementing the intended budget by still referring to the applicable laws and regulations.

Third, in the implementation of legal assistance to follow the mechanisms regulated in Government Regulation Number 12 of 2019 concerning Financial Management and Minister of Finance Regulation Number: 134/PMK.07/2022 concerning Mandatory Expenditures in the context of handling the impact of inflation for the 2022 fiscal year.

Fourth, the Attorney General's Office is requested to immediately circulate it to all state attorneys' offices and branches of the state attorney's office in the jurisdiction and forward the Attorney General's Letter to each regional head at every provincial and district/city level with a request to be forwarded to each line.

"Report the implementation in stages and periodically or at any time if necessary," said Burhanuddin.

Burhanuddin added that this instruction was issued to assist and supervise the use of BTT due to the fuel price adjustment so that it is right on target, effective, and timely so that regional heads do not hesitate and are afraid to implement the Joint Circular of the Minister of Home Affairs to be implemented to anticipate and control inflation in the regions.