PPP Chairman Suharso Monoarfa Now Reported By Kiai Nusantara Lovers To The Criminal Investigation Police For 'Kyai Envelopes'

JAKARTA - The chairman of the United Development Party (PPP) Suharso Monoarfa was reported to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police by a group of people who are members of the "Kyai Nusantara Lovers".

"We reported Suharso Monoarfa regarding the insults he conveyed at an anti-corruption event at the KPK with PPP cadres. We as students who are members of Peci Nusantara feel offended and humiliated by his statement," said Chairman of Kiai Nusantara Lovers Alvin Mustofa Hasnil Haq quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, 25 August.

The Deputy Secretary of PWNU DKI Jakarta also said that many parties had reported Suharso regarding his insults to the kiai. He also hoped that Suharso would not repeat the same thing and offend the kiai.

"There have been several reports regarding this matter to the police, but the new one is to the Criminal Investigation Unit. I hope that Suharso as a public figure will not repeat his mistakes that could offend all kiai," he asserted.

Regarding the issue of punishment for Suharso, Alvin handed it over to the authorities. He demanded that his report be immediately followed up in accordance with the applicable sentence.

"If it's a criminal matter, it depends on the police in responding to the report we submit. Hopefully it will be in accordance with the applicable punishment," he hoped.

In his report, Alvin used Article 156 A of the Criminal Code. Suharso is considered to have violated the rules regarding expressing hatred or contempt for a religion or group in public.

Previously in his speech at the Briefing on Intelligent Political Anti-Corruption with Integrity (PCB) for the United Development Party in collaboration with the KPK in mid-August, Suharso mentioned the kiai envelope.

In the event, which can be watched on the ACLC KPK YouTube channel, Suharso began his speech by telling his experience when he was the Acting General Chairperson of PPP, where he had to visit several kiai at a large Islamic boarding school.

"By Allah and the messenger it happened. I came to the kiai with some friends, then I just left. Yes, I asked for prayer, then I went. Not long after, I was sent a WhatsApp message, 'Plt Plt was leaving or not for the kiai', I thought what to leave, I don't feel like I left anything there," said Suharso at the time.

After that, Suharso was reminded that if he met a kiai, he had to leave a "sign of the eye".

"'When you come to him, you must have an eye tag left behind' Wow, I didn't bring it. What's the signature? A sarong? a cap? The Koran or something? 'It's like I don't understand Pak Harso' meet, can't, even today if we meet there, if the handshake doesn't have an envelope, it's something tasteless going home. This is a real problem we are facing right now," he explained.