Bank Loan Portfolio Is Increasingly Environmentally Friendly, Financial Services Authority Calls Debtor's Funds Of IDR 294 Trillion In Large Banks In The Green Category

JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority received reports from BUKU III and BUKU IV class banks regarding the number of debtors that are categorized as green. In total, there are 100 debtors with a total of IDR 1.065 trillion that are included in the green taxonomy, including IDR 294 trillion which is included in the green category.

Senior Executive Superintendent of the Financial Services Authority, Uli Agustina, said the report was a pilot project implemented by the OJK to check the green financial portfolio of banks.

"One good thing from the report, it turns out that 20-30 percent have entered the green category. This is still the green taxonomy 1.0 or the first stage, the next stage with various inputs from business actors and debtors, OJK will develop it in a sustainable manner so that it can target the industrial sector. even more," said Uli in the release of the Katadata SAFE 2022 webinar quoted by Antara, Wednesday, August 24.

Uli added that OJK will continue the pilot project with 100 debtors to 340 debtors in 2023.

In addition, he said, OJK is also developing an online reporting system, namely Apollo. This system is a collection of information carried out by OJK to facilitate supervision.

"Green project financing requires large capital and long returns, so banks are sometimes very concerned about risk and also risk mitigation. Because banking is an intermediary institution with funds from the public, so it always considers risk," he said.

OJK, he said, encouraged banks to continue to increase financing in the green financial sector.