Deputy Minister Of Health Chooses Surabaya To Be The Primary Service Integration Test Location

SURABAYA - Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi accompanied the visit of the Deputy Minister of Health (Wamenkes) Dante Saksono Harbuwono, in the context of Monitoring the Primary Service Integration Trial in East Java Province, especially in the City of Surabaya.

After monitoring at the Posyandu, Jambangan District, the activity was continued by conducting a review at the Kebonsari Health Center, Surabaya City.

During the review of integrated health services, Dante and Eri also held a dialogue 'Integration of Primary Services' with officials and health workers from the Health Office (Dinkes) of East Java Province and Surabaya City, Puskesmas, Camat, and Lurah which was held at the Kebonsari Health Center.

In his speech, Eri said that the Surabaya City Government (Pemkot) continues to strive to provide the best health services for all people in the City of Heroes. Also, perform data integration, from the city level to the central government.

"Starting from the city, province, ministry, to the central level, so that government policies can be right on target. God willing, today we will get new knowledge to work together for the benefit of the whole community," he said, Monday, August 1.

As a follow-up to the program, he explained, the Surabaya City Government already has a Sub-Puskesmas or Sub-District Health Posts (Poskeskel) in every kelurahan in the City of Heroes. In the future, services at the Puskesmas level will be integrated with primary services, namely Posyandu Prima.

"For example, there is a Posyandu for the Elderly. There is a blood sugar check, so there is no need to go to the Puskesmas. So, the burden on the Puskesmas can be lighter," he said.

Eri said he had coordinated with the Surabaya City Health Office. One of them is through the Sub-Puskesmas, which will refurbish the building. This is because the Posyandu Prima services will be focused on sub-health centers. "So there is a Children's Posyandu, oh the scales are down, what kind of food is there? So at the Posyandu, they were immediately taken to the Prima Posyandu. The service is faster and not mixed," he said.

As for health workers, health workers at the sub-health center level will be deployed to Posyandu Prima. This is because the Sub-Puskesmas will be changed to Posyandu Prima. "The Sub-Puskesmas will be changed to Posyandu Prima, while looking at the number of health workers. So the service is getting closer to the community. This trial has also taken place at the Jambangan Posyandu," he said.

Meanwhile, Deputy Minister of Health Dante Saksono Harbuwono, said his visit this time was to ensure primary service programs, namely the implications of these programs can be applied at the regional level. One of them is with Posyandu Prima.

"This Prima Posyandu is the embodiment of the existing Posyandu-Posyandu coordination. The amount of which is Rp. 300,000 throughout Indonesia, becomes a group of Posyandu-Posyandu that has closer interactions with the community," he said.

He explained that previously, the most primary level of health care was Puskesmas. However, currently the Indonesian Ministry of Health wants Posyandu to be one of the primary health services in each region. "With this Posyandu-Posyandu coordinator, Posyandu Prima. This is what I am reviewing, to make sure it can run at the community level," he said.

Therefore, the City of Surabaya became one of the locations for the Primary Service Integration Trial. Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia dr. Dante admitted that he would redesign the implementation of the program, according to the characteristics of each region. Because, according to him, each region has different characteristics.

"For this area in East Java, the support from the Mayor Eri Cahyadi and the Governor of East Java Khofifah is enough to establish this Posyandu Prima as one of the elements of primary public health," he said.

Met at the same location, the Head of the Surabaya City Health Office, Nanik Sukristina, said that his party was preparing the facilities and infrastructure, as well as the necessary human resources. Because, for every Posyandu Prima, at least there must be registration staff, doctors, nurses, and midwives.

"God willing, what the Indonesian Deputy Minister of Health, Dr. Dante, and Mayor Eri Cahyadi hoped, can soon be realized in the city of Surabaya.

However, Nanik admitted that the City of Surabaya already has a Supporting Health Center or Poskeskel. However, there is an additional service concept from the Indonesian Ministry of Health, namely health services that directly involve the community.

"Because the Posyandu concept is community empowerment, it also involves Great Surabaya Cadres (KSH) who will be involved in Posyandu Prima," he said.