Brothers And Sisters In Klungkung Duel With Sharp Weapons, One Person Still Being Treated At The Hospital

KLUNGKUNG - Brothers with the initials KS (50) and NS (42) duel using sharp weapons in their yard in Banjar Kanginan, Dawan, Klungkung Regency, Bali.

Dawan Police Chief AKP Ida Ayu Kalpika Sari said the reason behind this duel was not yet known. But both of them are said to be the police have the same emotions.

"The motive is that there have been fights for a long time," he said, Thursday, July 21.

This duel took place Wednesday, July 20 afternoon in the yard of the house. NS, who was about to go to work, was approached by KS.

For some reason, NS felt offended and immediately took a sharp knife (sajam) knife. The two of them fought.

Residents who saw this duel broke up the brothers. The victim NS was taken to the puskesmas, while KS was taken to the Klungkung General Hospital.

"(For his brother) he is still at the Klungkung General Hospital and his sister has returned home and is obliged to report," he said.