SKK Migas Successfully Drilled 348 Development Wells In Semester I 2022

JAKARTA - The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) noted that until June 2022 the realization of the number of development wells that had been drilled reached 348 wells or reached 44 percent of the target of 790 wells.

Deputy of Planning for SKK Migas, Benny Lubiantara, said this result exceeded the number of development wells drilled in the same period last year by 186 wells.

"Efforts to increase national oil and gas production continue to be carried out by SKK Migas and Cooperation Contract Contractors (KKKS), the number of development wells that have been drilled this year is almost double the number of wells last year", said Benny to reporters, Thursday, July 14.

Benny said the massive drilling of development wells is the main focus of SKK Migas. This is because it will directly contribute to the increase in national oil and gas production.

He added that the realization of the drilling of the development well is still in line with SKK Migas' plan in 2022, although there are still some obstacles in licensing and the availability of rigs that have caused some delays in drilling activities.

“However, with good coordination and cooperation with stakeholders, SKK Migas has succeeded in minimizing delays in drilling realization. We hope that in the future stakeholders can continue to provide support for upstream oil and gas activities", he said.

Benny also said that the results obtained from the drilled wells were quite encouraging.

There are four new development wells in the Rokan Working Area (WK) which began to be drilled in April 2022 and managed to provide an initial production flow rate for each well exceeding 1,000 BOPD (barrels of oil per day).

"The four wells come from the Farmers Field in WK Rokan, there are 22 development wells to be drilled throughout 2022. The current status is that there are 11 on-stream wells with a total initial production flow rate of 6,760 BOPD, this result far exceeds the estimated production target namely 2,192 BOPD", said Benny.

Referring to these results, Benny said that his party is optimistic that it can obtain significant additional oil production through the massive drilling of development wells carried out at the Rokan WK.

"We see that the potential in the Rokan WK is still quite large and important to support the achievement of national production this year, for example, the four wells can each produce more than 1,000 BOPD, for that SKK Migas and PHR (Pertamina Hulu Rokan) are trying to realize the drilling of the well. development in WK Rokan can reach the target in 2022", concluded Benny.