Be Careful, Acne Can Erode Self-confidence And Even Make Depression

JAKARTA - Conditions of skin problems such as acne can affect the quality of life of a person who experiences them, ranging from feelings of shame, lack of confidence, to depression. According to Dermato Venereologist Dr. Fitria Agustina, SpKK, FINSDV, FAADV, a lot of her research has been published, especially in the direction of acne in adolescents.

"The first usually starts with shame. Second, after being embarrassed, he locks himself up and doesn't want to meet people. The third one starts from mild depression, moderate depression, to severe depression, until someone makes an attempt to commit suicide," Fitria said, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, July 14.

Research published in the Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology in 2017 showed that 96 percent of respondents who had acne problems admitted it affected their quality of daily life.

In addition, a study in the journal Acta Dermato-Venereologica in 2020 stated that 53 percent of respondents had experienced depression and 50 percent tended to isolate themselves.

In fact, based on Fitria's experience, she has treated a patient who experienced an extraordinary sense of panic when looking in the mirror and found a pimple starting to appear.

Considering the psychosocial impact, Fitria said when dealing with patients her party would ask a number of questions or questionnaires that have become standard for dermatologists regarding the treatment of acne problems. The final result of the questionnaire will be a score that can indicate the level of psychosocial impact on the patient.

"If it improves, for example, okay. But if it turns out to be bad, my recommendation is to return it to the treating doctor, if I usually say to the patient, 'I need to consult a psychologist, so that the acne doesn't get worse,' she explained.

Considering that acne can affect a person's quality of life, Fitria emphasized the importance of taking proper treatment regardless of its severity and not taking acne problems lightly.

"Although it is considered the most common skin problem, acne is often handled incorrectly even though it can affect the quality of life of people who experience it," she said.

Fitria said the most important first step is to get an accurate and precise analysis or diagnosis of acne skin conditions so that the severity level and the most appropriate therapy can be determined.

"In addition, by treating acne as early as possible accompanied by appropriate therapy, of course, it can reduce the risk of acne scarring (acne scar tissue)," she said.