Alhamdulillah, Sri Mulyani And The Sacrifice Tax Officer Of 16 Cows And 1 Goat On This Year's Eid

JAKARTA - The Directorate General of Taxes at the Ministry of Finance is said to have distributed 1,250 packages of sacrificial animals during the celebration of Eid al-Adha 1443 Hijri or 2022 AD.

The Chairperson of the Eid al-Adha Committee at the Salahuddin Mosque, Jakarta Directorate General of Taxes Head Office, Paryan said, his party had received a deposit of 16 cows and one goat.

"The sacrificial meat will be distributed to those who are entitled, consisting of 1,250 individuals within the Directorate General of Taxation Headquarters as well as 24 foundations, orphanages, and Islamic boarding schools", he said in a press statement on Monday, July 11.

According to Paryan, at this year's Eid al-Adha celebrations, the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati together with the Director-General of Taxes, Suryo Utomo, and the Director-General of Financial Balance, Primanto Astera Bakti, held the Eid prayer at the Salahuddin Mosque, the Head Office of the Directorate General of Taxes, Jakarta.

"There was also Expert Staff of the Minister of Finance for Tax Compliance, Yon Arsal, and Expert Staff of the Minister of Finance for Tax Supervision, Nufransa Wira Sakti, who accompanied and attended the Eid prayers", he said.

Meanwhile, the preacher for the Eid prayer and member of the Central MUI National Sharia Council Muhammad Sofwan Jauhari in his sermon revealed that the best human being is the one who provides the most benefits to others.

"This is how the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) explained it. Sacrifice is an example of how we can become useful people for others by sharing good things", said Sofwan.

He also explained many things that can be imitated from Ibrahim as Khalilullah or lover of Allah, namely first, love and concern for the family because family is the smallest and closest environment.

Second, love and concern for the environment with Ibrahim's determination to improve the quality of life of the people of his time, especially in the field of ideology.

"The third is love and concern for the country and nation which is shown by Ibrahim's efforts to defend his nation and country from all forms of disobedience and injustice. And lastly, Ibrahim's love and concern achieved God's love, which required him to sacrifice Ismail", concluded Central MUI Member, Muhammad Sofwan Jauhari.