Head Of Jombang Police Lectured By Kiai Until Police Are Blocked While Arresting MSAT, Bareskrim Monitors Handling Of Student Abuse Cases

JAKARTA - The Director of General Crimes at the National Police Bareskrim Brigadier General Andi Rian Djajadi ensured that the handling of the MSAT molestation case, the son of a boarding school caregiver in Jombang, had no problems and he entrusted the local police to solve it.

"So far, the handling of the case by the East Java Police has gone smoothly without any problems," Andi told reporters, Wednesday, July 6.

The molestation case by MSAT (42), the son of the caretaker of the Shiddiqiyyah Islamic Boarding School KH Muhammad Mukhtar Mukthi, became public attention after the police's efforts to bring the perpetrators were hampered.

According to Andi, the Bareskrim Polri is monitoring the handling of the case. So far, the handling is still entrusted to the East Java Police without any assistance from the National Police Headquarters.

"Fully under the authority of the East Java Police, the suspect is still under the jurisdiction of the East Java Police," he said. Brigadier General Andi ensured that the handling of the case went smoothly. Currently, the case file of the case has been declared complete or P-21. Bareskrim entrusts the handling of cases to be carried out by the East Java Regional Police, but continues to monitor it.

"Only the second phase of the process has not been completed," he said.

MSAT had previously been named as a suspect in a sexual harassment case against female students since 2019. When phase II was about to be carried out, the police failed to arrest the perpetrator. Even his father, who is an influential kiai in Jombang, asked for his son's case to be dismissed. The perpetrator had previously submitted a pretrial to the Surabaya District Court, but the request was rejected by the panel of judges in December 2021 due to shortcomings from the respondent.

The Highlights

As previously reported, a kiai asked the Jombang Police Chief, AKBP Nurhidayat, to stop the alleged molestation of female students, which was widely circulated in WhatsApp groups. The kiai is the father of the suspect MSAT (DPO).

The video was widely circulated after the Jombang Police forcibly picked up the MSAT suspect at his residence, namely the Sidiqiyah Islamic Boarding School in Losari Village, Ploso District, Jombang Regency, East Java. The forced pick-up was carried out by the Jombang Police, on Sunday, July 3.

In the 1.55 second video, the kiai and the Jombang Police Chief are seen in an assembly. The kiai was sitting on a chair, while the police chief sat cross-legged on the floor in front of the kiai.

In the video, the kiai can be seen asking the Jombang Police Chief not to continue the legal case that befell his son (MSAT, ed). The reason is that the alleged molestation case by MSAT against a number of female students is slander.

"For our common safety, for the glory of Indonesia Raya, this slander issue is a family matter. For that, go back to your respective places, don't force yourself to take my child who has been slandered," said the kiai in the video.

Hearing the advice from the MSAT suspect's father, the Jombang Police Chief did not seem to respond. He just sat down and listened to the kiai.

"All of that is slander. Allahu Akbar, that's enough," said the kiai, accompanied by takbir by the congregation present at the assembly.

Police Blocked

The Jombang Police, assisted by the East Java Police, failed to arrest MSAT, a suspect in the alleged molestation of female students at the Sidiqiyah Islamic Boarding School in Losari Village, Ploso District, Jombang Regency. This condition occurred because the police were intercepted by a car when they arrived in Jombang.

"Our team was intercepted by a car numbered S 1741 ZJ, when it arrived on the highway in Jombang. As a result of this incident, one of our members fell," said Head of Public Relations of the East Java Police, Kombes Dirmanto, in Surabaya, Monday, July 4.

According to Dirmanto, the East Java Police Team moved to Jombang to arrest MSAT at around 12.45 WIB on Sunday, July 3. But on the way, a car tried to block it, so a policeman fell from the vehicle.

The police then gave chase and managed to secure the car. The driver fled, but two people in the car were arrested.

"During the inspection of the car, evidence was found of an airsoft gun," he said.

East Java PWNU Urges Police to Arrest Suspect

Meanwhile, the administrators of the East Java Nahdlatul Ulama (PWNU) Region spoke out regarding the alleged molestation of female students by the son of a kiai in Jombang Regency. PWNU also supports the police's move to arrest the MSAT perpetrators who are now fugitives.

"We support the police and the prosecutor's office to take action against anyone who violates the law, no matter what their social status," said the Chair of the East Java PWNU, Marzuki Mustamar, Tuesday, July 6.

Marzuki asked the police not to be selective in taking action against the perpetrators who were suspected of molesting female students. He hoped that the police would be firm, and not be influenced by the intervention of the social status of the perpetrators from any group.

"The law should not be indiscriminate, regardless of class, whatever social status. Whether they are officials, religious leaders, poor, rich and others. Law enforcers such as the police, prosecutors, courts cannot lose to groups or anything else," he said.

Therefore, Marzuki hopes that the Legawa Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes) is open and does not fight against law enforcement officers. If the MSAT perpetrator is indeed innocent, he said, it would be best to let it be decided later in court.

"The case will be after being found guilty and serving a sentence and later there will be humanitarian considerations, please talk to the kiai. Only later will we talk about benefit issues," he said.