DKP Responds To Fishermen's Complaints, Dozens Of FADs In North Maluku Are Ordered

MALUT - The Department of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries or (DKP) of North Maluku Province (Malut) has brought down dozens of unlicensed FADs. Control is carried out regarding fishermen's complaints about the disturbance of the number of FADs in local waters.

"We have carried out control by severing the ropes of all FADs, especially in the waters of South Halmahera," said Head of North Maluku DKP, Abdullah Assagaf when contacted from Ternate, Tuesday, July 5.

According to him, when they went to the field, the team immediately checked the permit to use FADs in the waters. If you do not have permission, the rope will be cut immediately.

This effort was made so that there are no longer FADs scattered in various waters, especially in the Obi Island area, South Halmahera at a distance of about 2 to 5 miles.

FADs in waters that are not equipped with a permit violate the provisions regulated by the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Number 26 of 2014 concerning FADs in waters.

Previously, the North Maluku DKP noted that 1,320 FADs in various North Maluku waters did not have permits to install FADs.

Abdullah Assagaf added, according to the findings, FADs that do not have a permit, on average, do not include the name of the owner.

Therefore, DKP will not hesitate to control all these illegal FADs to preserve marine and fishery resources as well as marine biota.

He added that his party will carry out operations to control FADs that do not yet have permits in various regency/city waters in the North Maluku region.