Land Of Spices Renovates 80 Houses Of Flood Victims

TANAH BUMBU - The Tanah Bumbu Regional Government, South Kalimantan, renovated 80 housing units for residents affected by the recent flooding. Land Affairs Agency (Disperkimtan) Tanah Bumbu, Ansyari Firdaus in Batulicin Tuesday, July 5. He said four units of renovated houses in Pacakan Village, eight units of Binawara Village, seven units of Anjir Baru Village, and six units of Sungai Rukam Village. Residents' houses that have been renovated/elevated are no longer affected by flooding," he said as quoted by Antara. Even to ensure that, Tanah Bumbu Regional Secretary, Ambo Sakka monitored the work of raising houses for flood-affected residents in Kusan Hulu District. The monitoring was carried out in Anjirbaru Village, Bakarangan Village, and Sungai Rukam Village." The regional secretary immediately inspected the location of the houses affected by the floods that occurred in 2021. no longer flooded," he said.