DPRD Asks Surabaya Satpol PP To Openly Disclose The Results Of The Inspection Of Illegal Sales Of Control Goods

JAKARTA - Commission A for Legal Affairs and Government of the Surabaya Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) requested that the results of the investigation into the sale of goods resulting from the policing of the Civil Service Police (Satpol PP) carried out by high-ranking Satpol PP officials be submitted to the public.

"We hope that the results of this examination are transparent and conveyed to the public. So that the public does not make guesses", said Member of Commission A of the Surabaya City DPRD, Imam Syafi'i in Surabaya, Tuesday, July 5, quoted from Antara.

Previously, it was reported that one of the Surabaya Satpol PP division heads with the initials FE was suspected of selling the control items stored in a storage warehouse on Tanjung Sari Baru Street, Sukamanunggal District, Surabaya. If converted into rupiah, the results of the Satpol PP control items sold are worth hundreds of millions of rupiah.

According to Imam, the incident which was uncovered in May 2022 was previously handled by the Surabaya Police, but currently, the investigation has been taken over by the Surabaya District Attorney.

For this reason, he continued, his party will continue to monitor and oversee the case, which is currently still under investigation.

"I'm sure the mayor still holds the principle that if every State Civil Apparatus (ASN) is involved in a criminal case, it will be immediately removed", he said.

Imam admitted that he had met with the Head of Surabaya Satpol PP, Eddy Christijanto, regarding the follow-up to the handling of the case.

"He said that the FE personnel had been relieved of their duties. The information today was also checked by his direct superior and a team from the Surabaya City Government Inspectorate and Legal Department", said Imam.

It is known that the case of a high-ranking Surabaya Satpol PP official who is suspected of selling control items outside of procedures has been reported by the Surabaya City Satpol PP Head, Eddy Christijanto, to the police on Thursday, June 2.

"We asked the Surabaya Police for help to investigate the matter", said Eddy.

Not only that, but the person has also been reported to the Surabaya Inspectorate, referring to Law Number 5 of 2014 concerning State Civil Apparatus (ASN). The sanctions prepared can lead to dismissal if proven to have committed a criminal act.