Getting To Know Haji Furoda, How Can You Go For Hajj Without Queuing?

JAKARTA - As many as 46 candidates for Hajj Furoda from Indonesia were deported from Saudi Arabia. They failed to perform the pilgrimage because the data did not pass the immigration check section. The visas for the 46 pilgrims were written not from Indonesia, but from Singapore and Malaysia.

Behind the noise of the news, it turns out that many people do not know the meaning of Haji Furoda.

Hajj Furoda is the implementation of Hajj with a visa obtained through an invitation from the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This Mujamalah visa is issued by each country's embassy without waiting in line. This was the reason why Haji Furoda didn't have to wait in line. In fact, generally the pilgrimage needs to wait about 10 to 15 years.

Departure for Hajj using the Mujamalah Visa or better known as the Furoda Visa is legal. The regulation is contained in Law No. 8 of 2019 concerning the Implementation of Hajj and Umrah. Although legal, Haji Furoda is not included in the Indonesian government's quota for Hajj. So it is not included in the regular pilgrimage or special pilgrimage.

Because he is an invited guest from the Government of Saudi Arabia, the Indonesian Ministry of Religion does not manage Haji Furoda. Hajj is guaranteed to have no problems, this pilgrimage is so special.

However, it should be noted that in accordance with Law Number 8 of 2019, Indonesian citizens who receive an invitation to a Hajj Mujamalah Visa from the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are required to go through a Special Hajj Organizer (PIHK) or a special Hajj travel company registered with the Ministry of Religion. Republic of Indonesia. The goal is that the government can monitor Indonesian citizens who carry out the pilgrimage.