Riau Governor Asks DLHK To Investigate Brain Encroachment In TNBT Inhu

PEKANBARU - Riau Governor Syamsuar asked the local Environment and Forestry Service (DLHK) to investigate the brain encroachment on the Bukit Tigapuluh National Park (TNBT) forest encroachment in Indragiri Hulu (Inhu) Regency.

"I appreciate the performance of DLHK together with the Bukit Tigapuluh National Park Center (TNBT) in Indragiri Hulu Regency, which has secured the excavator and heavy equipment," Syamsuar said as quoted by Antara, Thursday, June 30.

Riau Governor Syamsuar also asked the Head of the Department of Environment and Forestry to seriously pursue the brains of the perpetrators, because these forestry crimes have harmed the state and the environment.

He also appreciated the Riau DLHK officers who had also arrested the heavy equipment operator at the location, but the owner of the capital as the mastermind of the perpetrator had not been arrested.

Meanwhile, based on information from the public, it is suspected that there is an individual member of the council who is referred to as the owner of the heavy equipment.

However, the Head of Riau DLHK Mamun Murod did not know about it. The workers and operators of heavy equipment, said Murod, also have not been named as suspects because his party is still investigating the case.

Previously, Riau DLHK Head of Administration and Compliance Mohd Fuad said that the heavy equipment security was carried out during a forest security operation in Sanglap Village, Batang Cinaku District, Inhu Regency, a forest area adjacent to the Bukit Tigapuluh National Park (TNBT).

"We received information that there was clearing and encroachment of forest areas using heavy equipment in the jurisdiction of KPH Indragiri," said Fuad.

Then, the team immediately went on patrol, checking in the field for the report. It turned out to be true, at the location the officers found heavy equipment in the form of an excavator operating at the location.

Furthermore, the team immediately secured the heavy equipment and deposited it at the TNBT Resort office. The heavy equipment operators and workers were examined at the Polhut Headquarters for inspection.

According to Fuad, currently the investigation is still ongoing. His party will coordinate with the Riau Police through the Coordinator for Supervision of Civil Servant Investigators (Korwas PPNS) to process the suspected perpetrators according to the KUHAP procedure and the operational and technical guidelines for the investigation and investigation process.

"Moreover, prior to the arrest of heavy equipment in Inhu, KPH Kuansing DLHK Riau has also secured one heavy equipment suspected of encroaching on forest areas within the jurisdiction of KPH Kuansing, and is currently in the investigation stage," he said.