Confidential Hajj Pilgrims There Is No Spicy Food, Must Bring It From Home

MEKKAH - Indonesian pilgrims who are prospective Hajj pilgrims say they are satisfied with the services of Hajj officers because the facilities provided in the Holy Land, from accommodation, catering to transportation make it easier for pilgrims to focus on worship. 'Ayanah, a pilgrim candidate from the Solo Embarkation (SOC) 1 group from Pati, Central Java in Mecca, Thursday, June 16. According to Mu'anah, the accommodation provided was very suitable for the five of them in room 1105 of the Kiswah Tower hotel in Sector 4 Jarwal, Mecca. The beds provided are comfortable, as well as one bathroom which is enough for the five of them. Likewise with food prepared in three meals, namely morning, afternoon and evening, the taste is according to taste. "The food is delicious, it doesn't run out because it's not eaten, the portion is too much for me," said Mu'ayanah. "It's very comfortable here, it matches the food. Alhamdulillah, I'm grateful to be able to perform Hajj this year after waiting 11 years," said Zumrotun. Likewise with Juniar, a pilgrim candidate from the Padang Embarkation (PDG) 1 group from Padang City. He said the service provided was very good. "Everything is good, it's just that we who are from Padang like spicy food, so we bring our own chili sauce from home," he said, quoted by Antara. 1.4 km. Pilgrims do not need to walk, because there is a prayer bus service that is ready to take you from the hotel to the Grand Mosque and vice versa operating for 24 hours. provided, such as bedding, towels, toiletries, refrigerator and prepared drinking water. Each room is also equipped with air conditioning.