Immigration Expels Australian Caucasians Who Climb Sacred Trees In Tabanan Bali

DENPASAR - Immigration deported Australian Caucasian Samuel Lockton who climbed a sacred tree in the area of Pura Dalem and Pura Prajapati in the Kelodi Kelod Traditional Village, Kediri District, Tabanan Regency, Bali.

This Aussie Caucasian was deported by Denpasar Immigration at 11.35 WITA, Wednesday, June 15.

"We have ordered them to leave the territory of Indonesia as of this afternoon. Why don't we carry out the deportation because there is no demand for the foreign national from the Traditional Village", said Head of the Immigration Office Class I Special for TPI Denpasar, Tedy Riyandi.

"This is our step because the person concerned still has a valid residence permit. We ordered him to leave, basically like that", he added.

Australian Caucasian Samuel Lockton still has a residence permit with a Visa on Arrival (VoA) in Indonesia. This foreigner was deported by boarding a Jetstar flight on the Darwin route.

"So his residence permit is still valid. He uses a visa on arrival and it is still valid. If he wants to stay, he can still stay, we just ordered him to leave the territory of Indonesia", said Tedy.

As previously reported, the Class I Immigration office of TPI Denpasar, Bali checked Australian Caucasian Samuel Lockton who went viral climbing a sacred tree at Dalem Prajapati Temple, in the Kelaci Kelod Traditional Village, Banjar Dakdakan, Kediri District, Tabanan Regency.

The head of the Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkum HAM) in Bali Province, Anggiat Napitupulu said from the results of the examination, that the Aussie Caucasian admitted that he had climbed a sacred tree.

"He also admitted that he had previously climbed two trees in the Canggu area to share his hobby", said Anggiat in a written statement in Denpasar, Bali, Monday, June 13.

Samuel Lockton entered Indonesia on June 6, 2022, at Ngurah Rai Airport using a Visit Visa on Arrival (VKSK).

"The person concerned came to Indonesia for a vacation in Bali. Currently, the person concerned has apologized to all Indonesian people, especially the Balinese people for his actions. He admitted that he did not know that his actions had disrupted public order and had no intention of disrespecting Balinese culture", said Anggiat.

As previously reported, this Aussie Caucasian climbed a sacred banyan tree at the Kelaci Kelod Traditional Village cemetery, Banjar Dakdakan, Kediri District, Tabanan Regency, Bali, on Saturday, June 11 afternoon.