Saudi Arabia Lifts The Ban On Its Citizens To Indonesia, KSP: Evidence That Our Pandemic Is Getting More Under Control

JAKARTA - The Main Expert of the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) Abraham Wirotomo assesses that the government has succeeded in convincing the world, especially Saudi Arabia, that the pandemic situation in Indonesia is getting under control.

Abraham said this was evident from Saudi Arabia's recent move to lift the ban on its citizens traveling to Indonesia.

"We are grateful, based on the input of experts and epidemiologists, after 5 weeks post-Eid 2022, our pandemic situation continues to be more under control. This is of course what Saudi Arabia is also considering," Abraham said in a press release, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, June 7 .

Abraham hopes that all elements of society will jointly maintain and maintain the current pandemic situation while maintaining healthy living habits and receiving vaccines for those who have not.

"We need to continue to promote healthy living habits and vaccine programs. We must not let this excellent achievement be lost because we do not take care of it," he said.

Previously, Saudi Arabia banned its citizens from traveling to 16 countries, one of which was Indonesia, related to COVID-19 cases.

Apart from Indonesia, citizens of Saudi Arabia are also prohibited from traveling to Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, India, Yemen, Somalia, Ethiopia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Libya, Vietnam, Armenia, Belarus and Venezuela.