Doubtful About Your Ability, Here Are 5 Ways To Overcome Impostor Syndrome

YOGYAKARTA – According to reports when the term impostor syndrome was first used, it has been shown to affect high achievers and marginalized groups. Subsequent reports by psychologists Pauline R. Clance and Suzanne S. Imes, underlined that inspostor syndrome or fraudster syndrome is common in the workforce.

Quoting from the Gadjah Mada University website, UGM clinical psychologist, Tri Hayuning Tyas, S.Psi., MA, said that impostor syndrome is a psychological phenomenon where a person is unable to accept and internalize the success he has achieved. Those who experience this syndrome always question themselves for the achievements or achievements that have been achieved.

A person with impostor syndrome never stops doubting whether the success achieved is a reflection of his ability. They also have a fear of their condition being known by others and being considered as fraudsters. Launching Psychology Today, here's how to deal with impostor syndrome according to Ruth Gotian, Ed.D., an assistant professor of education at Weill Cornell Medical College.

1. Stop comparing yourself

Everyone has a different journey, including the obstacles experienced and cognitive load. Therefore, stop comparing yourself to the achievements of others. If Marshall Goldsmith ordered, don't be busy chasing what other people have. Try to focus on the progress of yourself that has been exceeded and as much as possible keep a file related to the improvement of your achievements.

Illustration of how to overcome self-doubt, impostor syndrome (Unsplash/Kaylah Matthews)

2. Avoid being a perfectionist

Perfection is a moving target. That is, one will never achieve it. Instead of struggling to get a plus-plus score, getting an A grade, needs to be appreciated. That is, what you have achieved today needs to be appreciated as a good thing.

3. Build a healthy support system

A healthy circle of friends supports mental health and determination to move forward. You don't have to feel inferior when you're with them because your supportive colleagues and friends will support you every step of the way. Don't forget to do the same in a positive circle of friends.

4. Visualize success

In achieving goals, often fail to identify when it has been achieved. Try to be more thorough in visualizing achievements. Record each step, or by keeping a daily journal. In the journal, you can make a score for the achievements that have been achieved.

5. Control the mind

The mind is often toying with. Even when they reach their destination, they don't know whether to respond with pleasure or fear. But you need to reframe impostor syndrome. If you are worried about the achievements that have been achieved, try to unpack one step at a time that has been done. That way you can see your efforts from the 'rearview mirror'.

Besides, trying to control the situation is important. Try to be able to control the things that can be controlled, including thoughts that deceive so that they become doubtful about their abilities.

That's the way that can be done in overcoming the fraudster syndrome. The above steps need to be done successively in order to always be confident with the achievements that have been achieved.