Akhmad Sekhu Creates Literary Works Inspired By Indonesian Artists

JAKARTA - Go wander, because by wandering we will know the true meaning of life. Likewise, Akhmad Sekhu who migrated to Jakarta and works as a journalist covering the world of entertainment, be it films, music, fashion shows, and others.

Even though he is busy covering the world of entertainment, Sekhu is still passionate about his literary works, even the entertainment world that he covers is often a source of inspiration for his work. Thus, poetry and short stories were published in various mass media, both local and national.

Some of the poems he produced, among others, Sajak Selebritas, Paradoks Peran, Fragmen di Pojok Bioskop, Di Balik Cahaya Gemerlapan, Fantasia Sinema, and others. There are a number of short stories, including, Kotokowok, Ndaru, Dolop, Lelaki Jempolan, Sujud Terlama di Dunia, Teror Dodol, Sedekat Mei Juni, and others.

Akhmad Sekhu, a writer who is also known as a journalist, is still passionate about writing literature. His published works include, among others, his single book of poetry; Penyeberangan ke Masa Depan (1997), Cakrawala Menjelang (2000), Memo Kemanusiaan (manuscript). His novels: Jejak Gelisah (2005), Chemistry (2018), Pocinta (2021). A collection of his short stories "Semangat Orang-Orang Jempolan" (ready to be published).

"Alhamdulillah, I am still in the world of writing," said Akhmad Sekhu, to reporters on Saturday, May 21.

Furthermore, the man who was born in the village of Jatibogor, Suradadi, Tegal, 27 May 1971, explained his seriousness in creating poetry, essays, short stories, and novels. "I've been seriously writing literary works since 1994 when I started studying in Yogyakarta, so it's been more than 28 years," said an alumnus of the Widya Mataram University, Yogyakarta (2000).

Sekhu said that the habit of writing that was nurtured since childhood could be a therapy as well as self-actualization. "I want to continue working for the rest of my life," he said firmly.

The world of literature for Sekhu is ingrained in his life, so the names of his two children from his marriage to Wanti Asmariyani contain literary elements, namely Fahri Poitisandi Arsyi, and Gibran Noveliandra Syahbana.

According to Sekhu, literary works of poetry are a special feature. "Because of poetry, I was able to meet the number one person in Jogja, namely Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X, who specifically invited me to talk one-on-one," he said firmly.

Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X's second book of poetry entitled 'Cakrawala Approaching' was given a special speech by Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X. "It is an honor for me to receive a special welcome from him," he said.

“If we read the poetry, we can feel how full of divine texts and natural textures are. Perhaps rooted in the village of his birth in Jatibogor, Suradadi, Tegal — which is filled with Islamic coastal culture. As a poet, Akhmad Sekhu is self-taught, judging from his educational background.” This is an excerpt from the remarks of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X, the King of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta and the Governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta