AGO Launches Halo JPN For People Who Want Legal Consultation

JAKARTA - The Attorney General's Office launched the Halo JPN (State Attorney) program to provide free legal consultations to the public.

"Halo JPN is the most complete solution of law where in the website, the public can conduct consultation regarding law which is served directly by attorneys from all regions of Indonesia professionally and free of charge (free)," said the Head of the Legal Information Center (Kapuspenkum) at the Attorney General's Office, Ketut Sumedana in a statement received in Jakarta, Tuesday, May 10.

Halo JPN will be launched in May to provide legal consultation in the fields of land, law inheritance, legal drafting, and marriage law.

Sumedana said the Deputy Attorney General for Civil and State Administration prepared guidelines for state attorneys who serve the community through Halo JPN. Through Halo JPN, the public can also contact the Attorney General's Office and the High Prosecutor's Office.

Previously, the Indonesian Attorney General Sanitiar Burhanuddin appreciated the Junior Attorney General for Civil and State Administration (Jamdatun) who was increasingly holding in-house training for State Attorneys, in order to improve quality of understanding in the field of civil and state administration.

Burhanuddin asked that the in-house training materials taught to State Attorneys were enriched with the implementation of JPN duties and functions that had never been taught, such as how to have skills in billing, as one of JPN's routine activities in the regions.

Lastly, for the Civil and State Administration Affairs, Burhanuddin expressed his highest appreciation to these ranks who have been able to carry out the return, recovery, and rescue of state finances well.