Causing Conflict, Joint Decree Of Two Ministers On Houses Of Worship Establishment Is Asked To Be Evaluated

JAKARTA - Secretary General of Red and White Solidarity (Solmet) Kamaludin asked the Government to evaluate the Joint Decree (SKB) of the Two Ministers regarding the Establishment of Houses of Worship.

"In response to various conflicts and violence in the context of performing worship that has occurred so far, it is better if the Decree of the 2 Ministers on the Establishment of Houses of Worship is re-evaluated so that problems like this do not happen again," said Kamaludin in a statement received in Jakarta, Tuesday 10 May.

The conflicts and violence that he mentioned were the destruction of a prayer room in Tumaluntung Village, North Minahasa, North Sulawesi (January 2019), the construction of the GKI Yasmin Church in Bogor, HKBP Filadelfia, Bekasi, the Tlegosari Church, Semarang, the construction of a church in Cilegon City, to the last is the case of riots in Mareje, Lembar, West Lombok, NTB against Buddhists in the area.

"Of course, this creates a series of deep concerns for the people of Indonesia in general who love peace in the context of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, which has been going well so far," he also said.

Furthermore, Kamaludin emphasized, in any development subject including houses of worship, various environmental principle permits should already be a legal requirement in a development administration process.

"This is a process that has been carried out by local governments in the basic principles to allow development in an area," said Kamaludin.

He also explained that the problems that arise in the construction of houses of worship, it is often seen that excesses are finally made to float, and even state officials are often seen as powerless under pressure from the majority group.

"For this reason, as Jokowi's volunteer organization, which of course must participate in maintaining conducive conditions in the context of carrying out worship in religious diversity within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia, the recommendations from organizations that have seen various real conditions that occur, urge and ask the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo to immediately evaluate or revoke the Ministerial Decree, so that inter-religious harmony will return to something beautiful and peaceful on this Earth of the Republic of Indonesia," said Kamaludin.