The First Day Of Work, There Are Still Travelers Who Just Returned Home

JAKARTA - On the first day of work after the Eid holiday, no passengers have arrived at Tanjung Priok Port.

This was said by the staff of the Tanjung Priok Port Authority, Ardian. He said, on D+6 Eid 2022 or Monday until 14.00 WIB, no passengers had arrived.

"Until now, there hasn't been one," said Ardian, quoted from Antara, at Tanjung Priok Port, Jakarta, Monday 9 May.

According to him, the arrival at the port will occur in the afternoon.

"The information is that this afternoon a ship will arrive, namely the Motor Ship (KM) Sawita. If I'm not mistaken, it's from Belitung," said Ardian.

The absence of passengers arriving at Tanjung Priok Port caused the atmosphere around the port to look deserted.

Conditions at this port, only a number of prospective passengers were seen sitting in the waiting room seats. They are prospective passengers heading to Pangkal Balam Port, Pangkalpinang City, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, who will ride KM Star Belitung in the afternoon.

One of the passengers named Yoga said that he only had the opportunity to go home on D+6 Lebaran 2022 from Jakarta to his hometown in Belitung.

"Just being able to go home now. He said the ship left in the afternoon," said Yoga.

Based on data from the Tanjung Priok Port Authority, the last time the ship arrived was on Saturday (7/5) or D+4 with 2,097 passengers using two ships.

On Saturday (7/5) at 07.00 WIB, 710 passengers arrived in Jakarta using KM Dorolonda. Then in the evening, at 21:52 WIB, 1,387 passengers arrived at Tanjung Priok Port with KM Kelud.

Upon the arrival of KM Kelud, the Tanjung Priok Port Police carried out a "random sampling" or COVID-19 random test for travelers returning to the capital city of Jakarta.

Tanjung Priok Port Police Chief AKBP Putu Kholis Aryana said random tests were carried out to anticipate new cases of COVID-19 after the 2022 Eid celebrations.

"We from the police will try to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by conducting a random 'swab' antigen test for passengers and ship crews arriving in Tanjung Priok, after going home for Eid 2022," said Kholis.