This Is The Reason Why The Bareskrim Did Not Confiscate Singer Rossa's Fees From DNA Pro

JAKARTA - The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police did not confiscate or accept the submission of singer Rossa's fee money from the DNA Pro trading robot company. The reason is that there is no malicious intent behind the flow of money because it is limited to the professionalism of the work.

"Investigators have concluded that they did not find any mens rea or malicious intent in the incident where the DNA Pro funds flowed to Rossa," said the Director of Special Economic Crimes at the Indonesian National Police, Brigadier General Whisnu Hermawan, to reporters, Tuesday, April 26.

There was no malicious intent behind the flow of funds received by Rossa, it was concluded after the senior singer was examined and matched with the available evidence. Moreover, there is a work or singing contract between Rossa and DNA Pro.

"The investigator's conclusion regarding the DNA Pro funds that flowed to Rossa was not subject to confiscation by the investigator at the prosecution," said Whisnu. Rossa handed over the money to the Criminal Investigation Police investigator during the examination process.

The money submitted is designated as evidence of a money laundering crime (TPPU).

"Then the R of the money was handed over to investigators for confiscation," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Public Relations Division Kombes Gatot Repli Handoko.

Rossa was due to be questioned on Thursday, April 21. During the examination, Rossa explained that she only filled out the DNA Pro event once. At that time, he was singing in Bali around the end of 2021.