Five Medical Officers Are Alerted For The Case That The Bus Driver Suddenly Gets Sick

JAKARTA - Five medical officers from the Kebayoran Lama Health Center, South Jakarta, were alerted at the Lebak Bulus bus terminal. The goal is to carry out health checks for AKAP bus drivers and homecomers during the 2022 Eid homecoming flow.

"A total of seven drivers have been checked for health before being allowed to carry passengers," said the coordinator of the health post at the Lebak Bulus bus terminal, Arganita when confirmed, Monday, April 25.

"We also recommend that drivers who experience health problems are replaced with backup drivers," he continued.

Arganita explained that his party would be alerted to a health post from D-7 to D+10 for Eid 2022. Later the examination will include blood pressure, body balance blood sugar or vertigo.

"So there are some drivers who have high blood pressure but are still in normal condition so they are given enough medicine," he said.

Although five medical officers have been prepared, Arganita said that her party has not prepared a booster vaccination service at the Lebak Bulus bus terminal. Therefore, he suggested vaccinating at the nearest health center.

"We urge passengers who have not been vaccinated to visit the nearest health center before leaving for homecoming," he said.