Ministry Of Health Affirms Commitment To Support For People With Disabilities

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia affirms its commitment to providing support for persons with disabilities by introducing and implementing a number of plans for better health services.

"I am surprised by the high number of children with intellectual disabilities in Indonesia, reaching 5.2 million people. Taking care of them is not easy, so it must be done carefully," said Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin in a written statement, Sunday, April 24.

Previously, the Ministry of Health would fully assist the health needs for the implementation of the 2022 Special Olympic Week (Pesonas) which will take place in Semarang on 3-8 July 2022.

According to him, support for the Special Olympics Indonesia (Soina) will continue after the Pesonas event. The medium-term support, he said, would be given considering his duty to knit community strength in providing health solutions for independent families.

"This health service support is important considering that children with intellectual disabilities need different treatment," he said.

In the implementation of Pesonas, the form of support includes vaccination of Pesonas participants, antigen facilities for all Pesonas participants for arrival and departure.

Then, BPJS insurance for one month for Pesonas participants, hospital services as a reference, use of the Health Training Center (Bapelkes) and Health Polytechnic (Poltekes) facilities as lodging places for Pesonas participants.

Then, the facility manufactures 1,000 copies of the health manual. In addition, the Ministry of Health will also supervise specifically the condition of the food menu served to the preparation of the nearest hospital to the location of the activity.

General Chairperson of PP Soina Warsito Ellwein appreciated the plan submitted by Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin regarding the intellectual disability research plan so that the number of people with disabilities could be reduced.

According to him, this should be grateful for because it will open up a wide space for these specially talented children to get good health services.

"This is an extraordinary quick response from the Minister of Health," he said.

In its implementation, the coordination with the support of the Ministry of Health at the Pesonas event will be led by the Director General of Public Health Maria Endang Sumiwi. The Ministry of Health includes this support as part of the Healthy Living Community Movement Program (GERMAS).

A number of hospitals are planned to provide services for the implementation of Pesonas, including RSUP dr. Karjadi, Undip Hospital, KMRT Wongsonegoro Hospital. Health services will be provided by following the distance traveled from each match location.

The pandemic condition, he said, must always be considered considering that intellectual disabilities are different so that although currently the number of daily additional cases in Indonesia is relatively low, it does not mean that it is completely safe. The situation may change at the time of implementation in early July 2022.

"Of course, readiness is very important considering the participants come from all parts of Indonesia. They will travel with various modes of transportation and gather with thousands of other people for several days," he said.