Ramadan 2022, Saudi Arabia Allows Itikaf In The Grand Mosque After Two Years Of Closure: Complete Vaccine Requirements, Separate Area

JAKARTA - Good news has come from Saudi Arabia, where local authorities have allowed worshipers who wish to perform Itikaf to return to the Grand Mosque during Ramadan, after two years of being closed due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Itikaf is the practice of staying in the mosque for several days to worship, pray and reflect, which is generally done during the last ten days of Ramadan.

The General Presidency for the affairs of the Grand Mosque and the Prophet's Mosque said, to be able to perform Itikaf at the Grand Mosque, the congregation must have received a complete COVID-19 vaccination.

A special area has been allocated for those wishing to perform Itikaf, away from worshipers and pilgrims, an official in the General Presidency told state news agency Al Ekhbariya.

The Itikaf permit is only valid for the last 10 days of Ramadan 1443 Hijri this time, starting on the night of the 21st and ending on the first day of Eid.

Also at the Grand Mosque and the Prophet's Mosque, mentorship programs have been launched for the children of Umrah participants and visitors.

The initiative will also provide indicative symbols for non-Arabic speakers and wristbands, to prevent children from getting lost in the crowds, the state news agency said.

"The presidency wants to provide the best service to visitors to the Grand Mosque, to increase the level of social responsibility," said Deputy Secretary for Social and Voluntary Services Amjad bin Ayed Al-Hazmi, quoted by The National News, April 20.

In addition, a translation corner has also been installed in the Grand Mosque to make it easier for pilgrims who cannot communicate in Arabic, in order to facilitate communication.

Local officials said that the translation angle is expected to improve the service and comfort of pilgrims and pilgrims from various parts of the world who come.