University of Indonesia Student Executive Board Reveals Reasons For Not Participating In The April 11 Demonstration Action, But Still Rejects The Three-Term President

JAKARTA - The All-Indonesian Student Executive Board (BEM SI) will hold a demonstration against the postponement of the 2024 General Election at the State Palace, Monday, April 11.

However, the University of Indonesia (UI) Student Executive Board was not included in the joint student alliance of several campuses.

Head of the Public Relations Bureau of BEM UI, Navio Ramadhani Hereta Pratama, stated that BEM UI did not take part in the action on the streets as planned for the April 11 demonstration.

"Because it is not part of the initiating alliance, BEM UI certainly does not participate in this activity", said Navio, Sunday, April 10.

But, said Navio, BEM UI will continue to support the rejection of the postponement of the election and the president for 3 terms.

"Of course, friends who take part in the action later will have a goal that is not much different, we only have different vehicles on the same road", he said.

Navio said, today BEM UI together with several student organizations who are members of the Indonesian Student Alliance (AMI) will hold the People's Restlessness Pulpit at the Horse Statue, Central Jakarta.

"Later, the steps for BEM UI and AMI will be conveyed when the pulpit is free, the decision will be in the afternoon", said Navio.

It is known, that the All-Indonesian Student Executive Board (BEM SI) has ensured that the massive demonstration that will be held in front of the State Palace on Monday, April 11 will continue.

The incorporated campuses consist of UNJ, PNJ, IT-PLN, STIE SEBI, STIE Dharma Agung, STIS Al Wafa, IAI Tazkia, AKA Bogor, UNRI, Unand, Unram, PPNP, Undip, UNS, UNY, Unsoed, SSG, and STIEPER .

BEM SI Media Coordinator Luthfi Yufrizal said the students were not afraid even though they had received threats that their actions would be dismissed by the police.

"This (threat of disbandment) is an attempt to intimidate students. But we are not affected. The April 11 demonstrations will continue", said Luthfi, Saturday, April 9.

Luthfi emphasized that his party had met the requirements to hold the demonstration. Because BEM SI has sent a notification letter to Metro Jaya Police.

The notification letter for the April 11 demonstration was sent and received by Polda Metro Jaya on Friday, April 8 at 13.00 WIB.