Jambi Police Make Sure Cooking Oil Stocks Are Fulfilled And In Accordance With HET During Ramadan

JAMBI - Jambi Regional Police (Polda) has coordinated with three bulk cooking oil producers who will supply traders in traditional markets in Jambi City so that prices in the market are stable according to the Highest Retail Price (HET) set by the government. "Currently, the police have coordinated with three bulk cooking oil producers such as PT KTN, Budi Nabati and Aneka Pangan and they will supply bulk cooking oil in Jambi and the supply is sufficient," said the Jambi Regional Police's Criminal Investigation Division, Kombes Pol. Christian Thory in Jambi on Tuesday, April 5. He said that after conducting a surprise inspection at the Angso Duo market in Jambi, it was found that specifically for bulk cooking oil, the price was high due to the minimal supply and difficulty for traders to obtain bulk cooking oil. As a result, traders sell at various prices, some are according to HET and some are above it. However, there are no problems related to bulk cooking oil and only technical problems arise and there are already solutions. So we hope that in this market, the highest retail price can be sold at Rp. 15,500 and nothing else at a price that exceeds that price. Meanwhile, the seller of bulk cooking oil, Asia Budi said that he had been taking it to agents at a high price, so he was selling at a price of Rp. 17 thousand per person. kilograms. "We take it directly to the agent, not to mention the cost of transportation and depreciation of the oil, the cost of plastic and rubber so that the selling price is Rp. 17,000 per kilogram," he said, quoted by Antara. following the rules of the Highest Retail Price (HET) of IDR 15,500 per liter.