Accused Of Spreading Hoax Bahar Smith Files Exception

BANDUNG - The defendant in the case of spreading false news, Bahar Smith, filed an exception to the Panel of Judges at the Bandung District Court (PN) on charges of spreading hoaxes. , Tuesday. The judge then invited Bahar to discuss with his legal team. "Objection, Your Honor. I filed an exception, Your Honor. I submitted the exception to the attorney. I just made a verbal exception spontaneously," said Bahar at the Bandung District Court, West Java, Tuesday 5 April. In reading the indictment, the prosecutor from the West Java High Prosecutor's Office accused Bahar of spreading false news about Rizieq Shihab's arrest. In fact, the prosecutor continued, Rizieq Shihab was convicted of violating the COVID-19 health protocol. The prosecutor said that what Bahar conveyed was false information. In addition, Bahar was also charged with telling lies about the deaths of six members of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI). , and burned. In fact, the six FPI soldiers died from gunshot wounds based on the post-mortem results, said the prosecutor. Therefore, the prosecutor assessed that the content of Bahar's lecture was a hoax and was provocative.

Meanwhile, Bahar Smith's attorney, Ichwan Tuankotta, asked the panel of judges to give the judges one week to prepare an exception to the prosecutor's indictment. dislodged nails and the connection with the massacre, that's what we recorded. So, later our exception will not be far around that, that's the point," said Ichwan as quoted by Antara. After the trial, Bahar declined to comment. He hopes that the trial will be carried out in a conducive situation. "I don't want to make many comments. I will prove that I am not telling lies," said Bahar.