Besides Making Life More Enthusiastic, Here Are 5 Reasons It Is Important To Have Friends

JAKARTA - Friendship can enrich life in many ways. Good friends teach you about yourself and challenge you to be better. They are ready to provide support not to give up when facing difficult times and celebrate success with you.

In fact, the presence of friends also has a positive impact on health. Some studies even suggest friendship has as important an effect on health as good nutrition and exercise

So, how do friendships contribute to the well-being of your life?

Having friends is good for physical health

As it turns out, having healthy relationships greatly contributes to physical health. Being in an intimate circle of friends can reduce the risk of health problems such as diabetes, heart attack, and stroke. Having strong social ties can also reduce feelings of loneliness.

Friends can encourage healthy behavior

Good friends can help make lifestyle changes that directly impact your well-being. For example, you and a friend could both set a healthy eating plan or make an exercise plan several times a week. The presence of friends can also watch over you and give you a warning when there is unhealthy behavior that you do.

In addition, people are more motivated to live a healthy life when they do it with a friend. It's a lot easier to get out and stay active when you have loyal friends.

Friends give emotional support

If you're going through a tough time, having friends can help you make the transition easier. Research also shows that happiness can be contagious between friends. One study of high school students, launched Very Well Mind, Tuesday, March 29, found that depressed people were twice as likely to recover if they had happy friends. Likewise, children are more likely to avoid depression if they have friends with happy moods.

Friends help build self-confidence

Everyone has self-doubt. But supportive friends can play a big role in building your self-confidence. A supportive friend can help you feel more confident by offering praise and reassurance when you're feeling unsure. They will tell you how much influence your presence has on others.

Friends give encouragement to be better

Friends can also be a positive influence. If you make friends with people who are generous, helpful, or love your family, you are more likely to develop those values too.

Good friends have the power to mold you into the best version of yourself. They see and love you for who you are. They give you the drive to do better and be the best version of yourself.