Minister Of Religion Yaqut Gets Hajj Assurance From Saudi Arabia, DPR Hopes Indonesia Can Get A Quota Of 221,000 Pilgrims

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of Commission VIII of the DPR, Ace Hasan Syadzily, appreciated the Minister of Religion, Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, who had received certainty regarding the departure of the 2022 hajj / 1443 H.

This confirmation was received by the Minister of Religion after meeting the Minister of Hajj and Umrah of Saudi Arabia, Tawfiq F Al-Rabiah, some time ago.

According to Ace, the news is quite a relief for Muslims, especially Indonesian Muslims.

However, Ace asked the Minister of Religion to ensure the hajj quota for Indonesian pilgrims this year. This is because the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has not yet provided clarity on the quota for Hajj pilgrims for Indonesia.

"What needs to be confirmed further is how much quota will be given to Indonesia," said Ace to reporters, Wednesday, March 23.

Commission VIII hopes that Indonesia can get a normal quota of 221,000 pilgrims. Moreover, said Ace, Indonesia has not made a pilgrimage for 2 years.

"We hope that the Saudi Arabian government will provide a normal quota of 221,000 Indonesian Hajj pilgrims or the full quota, so that it can speed up the queue list that has been delayed for two years," he said.

In addition, the Golkar Party politician also hopes that the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will immediately announce the regulations of the Government of Saudi Arabia governing the implementation of the Hajj (taklimatul hajj), so that there is certainty for pilgrims from outside Saudi Arabia.

According to Ace, Minister of Religion Yaqut must continue to hold talks with Saudi Arabia about the certainty of organizing the Hajj and the quota given.

"This requires intensive diplomatic talks with the authorities to determine the amount of the quota," said Ace.