9 Fishermen From NTT Disappear After The Boat Was Hit By Waves, 3 Others Are Still Being Treated In Australia

KUPANG - A fisherman from Rote Ndao district, NTT Province, named Riki Balu who was being treated at a Perth hospital, was found to be exposed to COVID-19 after undergoing an examination.

"Until now, he is still critical and has not regained consciousness. The person in question has been exposed to COVID-19", said Yulius Mada Kaka, Acting Consular Officer of the Consulate of the Republic of Indonesia in Darwin when contacted from Kupang, Antara, Tuesday, March 22.

Riki Balu is also known to suffer from complications, so the hospital is trying to find out what illness the victim of the ship sinking experienced.

Riki Balu and his two fishing partners were found by an Australian patrol plane in the middle of the sea off Pasir Island, Timor Sea. The fishing boat 'Sea Horse' which was steered capsized was hit by waves on Sunday, March 20 last.

According to reports, the ship was carrying 12 fishermen and their captain. However, of the 12 fishermen, only three were found safe, while the other nine have not been found.

The ship is thought to have capsized and sunk since Friday, March 18. However, information about the sinking of the ship was only obtained on Sunday, March 20, so the search for victims experienced problems.

The hospital is also still having trouble communicating with Riki Balu's family because the victim is not yet conscious. The Royal Perth Hospital has not been able to take action against the victims of the sinking ship.

On Monday yesterday, Riki was picked up by health officials in Australia after his party learned that Riki was in critical condition and unconscious.

At first, the health workers flew Riki to Broom Island for treatment. However, because the local doctor refused and was unable to provide treatment, finally Riki was transferred to Perth to be treated until now.