Police Check Cooking Oil Warehouse In Pekanbaru City

PEKANBARU - Police officers directly checked the PT Indomarco warehouse on Jalan HR Soebrantas, Pekanbaru regarding the shortage of cooking oil that occurred.

Previously, the police also reviewed the availability of cooking oil at the Tuesday Market in the Panam area, but no packaged cooking oil was found for sale.

"In the market for packaged oil, the stock is empty. There is only bulk oil with a fairly high price, namely Rp. 16 thousand per liter. We checked that the stock was empty," said the Head of the Tampan Police, Kompol I Komang Aswatama, quoted by Antara, Thursday, March 17.

Komang said that the stock of packaged cooking oil in the warehouse was empty due to delays in delivery from the factory.

"The warehouse manager said that the last cooking oil came in February. We need to anticipate and control the community so that no one hoards it for personal gain," he said.

His party also emphasized that they would take action against anyone hoarding cooking oil for personal gain in the midst of the current shortage.

Meanwhile, PT Indomarco's HRD staff, Asrin, said that the stock of packaged cooking oil was empty but the stock was still in the factory while waiting for the delivery process.

"Oil stock is empty because it is waiting for delivery from the factory in Medan," said Asrin.

Asrin said that since the subsidy program from the government, the delivery of packaged cooking oil was a bit constrained.

"Indeed there are deliveries from factories in Medan, but not as much as the normal amount, there is a reduction. The last time we received it was two weeks ago. After we received it at the branch warehouse, we immediately distributed it to small warehouses in several districts. We immediately allocated it," he continued. Asrin.

The last news he got was that cooking oil would be sent back from the factory in Medan when prices returned to normal.