Good News From The Minister Of Manpower, Musicians Get Social Protection And Welfare

JAKARTA - The Minister of Manpower, Ida Fauziyah, emphasized that the government has the obligation to provide social security protection to all its citizens according to the mandate of the 1945 Constitution and Law Number 40 of 2004 concerning the National Social Security System (SJSN).

SJSN is a state program that aims to provide certainty of social protection and welfare for all Indonesian people. "For this reason, the government is committed to pushing as much as possible so that all Indonesian citizens, including fellow music workers, get protection and social welfare," said the Minister of Manpower when speaking at the National Music Day Celebration Talkshow with the theme Equality & Welfare for Music Performers in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Wednesday 9 March.

According to the Minister of Manpower, in the employment social security system, participants are not only limited to Wage Recipients (PU) but are also designated for Non-Wage Recipients (BPU), one of which is music workers.

The current program is very useful for participants in ensuring their lives now and in the future. Today's social security protection is contained in the Work Accident Insurance (JKK) and Death Insurance (JK) programs.

He explained that in this program, if participants experience social risks such as work accidents or permanent total disability, they will receive maximum medical care, financial compensation, and scholarship benefits for two children whose education costs are covered from kindergarten/elementary school to university level.

Meanwhile, social security protection in the future is contained in the Pension Security (JHT) and Pension Guarantee (JP) programs. If participants enter old age/retirement, they will get benefits in the form of cash paid at once and cash benefits that are paid regularly as a substitute for income.

According to her, the participation of music workers in the employment social security program is a tool in improving the welfare of workers and their families. Therefore, it is necessary to transfer risk through employment social security which will benefit art workers and their families.

"In addition, the social security program functions to transfer the risk burden from participants to the organizing body. By transferring this risk, it is hoped that productivity will be maintained and welfare will be maintained, both now and in the future," said Minister Ida in a written statement.