West Kalimantan Police Successfully Resolve 14 Forestry Crime Cases

PONTIANAK - Center for Security and Law Enforcement of the KLHK Kalimantan Section III Pontianak, through a special team from the Rapid Reaction Forestry Police Unit (SPORC) managed to uncover 14 criminal cases related to the environment and forestry as well as the circulation of wild plants and animals throughout 2021. Then, we managed to uncover as many as 14 cases of forestry crimes," said Section Head of the Balai Gakkum KLHK Kalimantan Tiga Pontianak Region, Julian, in Pontianak, Monday, January 7. illegally, and five cases of trafficking of wild plants and animals.

Meanwhile, for 2022, they will focus on prosecution, and will target the typology of crimes related to the environment. "For that, we will carry out a number of special strategies, one of which is to strengthen the territory using technology," he said. synergize with a number of relevant law enforcers. In addition to speeding up the legal process, this is also to minimize state losses," he said. On that occasion, he appealed to the public to report if they saw or suspected illegal activities including illegal logging activities and others. , so that it can be quickly prevented, and for the perpetrators to be processed by law in accordance with applicable regulations.