Prosecutors Demand 2 Police In Unlawful Killing Cases 6 Years In Prison

JAKARTA - Prosecutors demanded that the South Jakarta District Court (PN) judge two police officers who were accused of being accused of arbitrary killings of 6 years in prison.

The charges against the two defendants, namely Police Brigadier One (Briptu) Fikri Ramadhan and Police Inspector Two (Ipda) Mohammad Yusmin Ohorella, were read out separately by prosecutors at the South Jakarta District Court, Jakarta, Tuesday, February 22.

According to Prosecutor Fadjar, who read out the demands virtually as broadcast in the courtroom, Brigadier Fikri was legally and convincingly proven to have violated Article 338 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1 of Law Number 1 of 1946 concerning the Criminal Law Regulations.

In a different indictment, prosecutor Paris Manalu also believes that Ipda Yusmin violated the provisions of the same article as Brigadier Fikri.

Therefore, the two prosecutors asked the panel of judges to sentence Brigadier General Fikri and Ipda Yusmin to 6 years in prison and asked them to be arrested immediately.

In two different indictments, the prosecutor also asked the panel of judges to order First Brigadier Fikri and Ipda Yusmin to pay court fees of Rp. 5,000.00 each.

Regarding the evidence, the prosecutor asked the panel of judges to order some of the evidence to be returned to the Polda Metro Jaya, some to be destroyed, and others to be included in the case file.

The prosecutor, in his indictment, also read out aggravating and mitigating factors for the two defendants.

Prosecutor Fadjar considered that the thing that weighed on Brigadier Fikri was not paying attention to the principle of legality, the principle of nesesity, and the principle of proportionality, especially in using firearms when escorting the victims, namely four FPI members, from Rest Area KM 50 Toll Cikampek to Polda Metro Jaya.

Meanwhile, there are mitigating factors for Brigadier Fikri, including having served as a police officer for 12 years. During his tenure, First Brigadier Fikri never committed a disgraceful act.

Matters that are aggravating and mitigating for Brigadier Fikri in substance also apply to Ipda Yusmin.

After reading the charges, Chief Judge Muhammad Arif Nuryanta also asked the opinion of the two defendants.

Brigadier Fikri and Ipda Yusmin, who attended the trial virtually from the legal counsel's office, also handed over the decision to their lawyers.

The Coordinator of the Legal Advisory Team, Henry Yosodiningrat, said that his client would file a defense or plea at the next trial.

Fikri and Yusmin undergo trial in the case of arbitrary murder that killed four FPI members while they were on their way to Polda Metro Jaya on December 7, 2020.

Four FPI members who were victims of the shooting in the police car, namely Muhammad Reza (20), Ahmad Sofyan alias Ambon (26 years), Faiz Ahmad Syukur (22), and Muhammad Suci Khadavi (21).

Two other FPI members, Luthfi Hakim (25) and Andi Oktiawan (33) were also killed. However, the victim died at a different location, namely during a shootout between the FPI Laskar and the police on Jalan Simpang Susun West Karawang.