In 3 Weeks, 214 Bodies Of COVID-19 Were Buried At The Rorotan Cemetery North Jakarta

JAKARTA - A total of 214 bodies were buried in the Special COVID-19 Public Cemetery (TPU) in Rorotan Village, Cilincing District, North Jakarta, for three weeks.

Rorotan Village Head, Idham Mugabe said, based on data from the Rorotan TPU Manager and the results of monitoring the Rorotan Urban Village team at the location, there has been an increase in the cemetery graph over the past three weeks.

"In January, 40 bodies were buried. Then, from February to 15, 174 bodies were buried," said Idham in North Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, February 16.

Idham stated, based on data from the Rorotan TPU as of February 15, the highest number of funerals for COVID-19 patients was on February 13, with 19 bodies.

Since the land was opened for burial of the bodies of COVID-19 patients on March 26, 2021, to February 15, 2022, the Rorotan TPU has been filled with 6.346 graves.

From this data, Idham hopes that the community can continue to be disciplined in implementing health protocols as long as there are activities outside the home.

The appeal was also followed by active monitoring by the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) of Rorotan Village by taking firm action against violators of the COVID-19 health protocol (prokes) who were found not wearing masks when doing activities outside the home.

The Orderly Operation of Masks (Tibmask) is routinely carried out in a number of locations that are the center of community activities to improve discipline in the COVID-19 process.

On Wednesday today, the Orderly Operation of Masks was carried out on Jalan Rorotan IV and succeeded in capturing 19 prokes violators who were given social sanctions, namely sweeping roads or cleaning waterways.

The head of the Rorotan Village Civil Service Police (Satpol PP), Asep Kurniawan, said that usually the Satpol PP ranks held Tibmask Operations at the Lokbin Malacca Market, in front of the Rorotan Lurah Office, and other crowded locations.

In addition, various approaches were taken, starting from going around the neighborhood to give the advice to comply with health protocols and disbanding public crowds, to giving warnings and taking action with strict sanctions in accordance with applicable regulations.

"Health protocols must still be put forward, don't be careless. Because many people out there have been exposed, some have even died from COVID-19. Let's take care of our health starting from ourselves, our families, and the people around us," he said.