Visiting Schools In Wadas, TNI-Polri Hold Psychoeducation And Socialization Of TNI Recruitment

PURWOREJO – The security forces are still working on maintaining the Harkamtibmas in Wadas Village. This time a series of physical and psychoeducational activities as well as socialization were carried out by joint TNI-Polri personnel to the community in Wadas Village, Tuesday, February 15.

Several activities carried out by the security forces in Wadas Village this time include social services for constructing latrines for the community in Wadas Village, conducting psychoeducation for local school children, as well as a creative campaign for the recruitment of Indonesian Army soldiers.

The Head of Public Relations of the Central Java Police, Kombes Pol M Iqbal Alqudusy said that the TNI-Polri social service activities in Wadas Village would continue to be carried out as an effort to maintain Harkamtibmas.

"One form of Harkamtibmas efforts carried out by the TNI-Polri is through social services and psychoeducation, including trauma healing for the local community," Iqbal said in a release received, Tuesday, February 15, evening.

The construction of latrines for residents was carried out in Mberan Village, Wadas Village. This activity is intended so that the health standard of the residents can be increased as well as to provide public facilities that can be used by many members of the community.

"We build public awareness to live clean and hygienic. That way their quality of life can gradually improve," added Kombes Iqbal.

Meanwhile, trauma healing activities, he continued, were given to junior high school students at SD Negeri Wadas. Similar activities were also given to children in Mberan and Wadas villages.

In addition, the TNI-Polri also held counseling on the development of career insights, especially in the recruitment of TNI AD personnel.

The activity, which was attended by 120 students of Maarif NU Vocational School, Bener District, was directly led by Dandim 0708 Purworejo Lt. Col. Inf. Lukman Hakim.

In his speech, Dandim asked interested students to prepare thoroughly.

“Students who are interested in becoming soldiers will be facilitated with physical training and psychological tests. The Kodim will also provide assistance when candidates register,” explained the Dandim.

Meanwhile, the Principal of SMK Ma'Arif Churdaini expressed his gratitude for the TNI recruitment socialization activity, this is a step forward from the TNI to penetrate religious-based schools. It is hoped that the students will understand and many will be accepted as TNI soldiers.

"The school will facilitate by providing training and providing assistance during the registration process until the student can graduate to become a TNI soldier," he concluded.