Omicron Case In North Sumatra Increases To 28 People

MEDAN - The North Sumatra Provincial Health Office said that cases of infection with the SARS-CoV-2 variant of the B.1.1.529 or Omicron corona virus in the local area increased to 28 cases.

"We have 22 new confirmed cases of Omicron, bringing the current total in North Sumatra to 28," said Head of the North Sumatra Health Service, drg. Ismail Lubis in Medan, Friday, February 11.

He said that the largest contributor to the Omicron case came from the city of Medan. Then followed by Deli Serdang Regency and Toba Regency.

"For probable Omicron, there are around 600 more," he said.

According to him, from the results of the tracing that has been carried out, the findings of Omicron cases in the North Sumatra region have occurred local transmission. For that, he asked people who have complaints, especially coughs, so they don't need to be ashamed to get themselves checked.

Although the Omicron case is spreading rapidly, Ismail confirmed that the Bed Occupancy Rate (BOR) in North Sumatra is still very low because, in general, people infected with Omicron have mild symptoms or no symptoms at all.

"Those who enter the hospital are only those with moderate, severe and critical symptoms," he explained.

As an effort to control COVID-19 in the North Sumatra region, he said, the North Sumatra Provincial Government is currently preparing the Hajj Dormitory as a location for integrated isolation (isoter).

"At the Hajj Dormitory, we are also recruiting 80 volunteers to become health workers. There are approximately 100 beds provided," he explained.

In addition, he continued, the Ministry of Health will also provide assistance with WGS inspection tools in March 2022 to make it easier to detect Omicron.

"If this can be realized, in the future North Sumatra will no longer need to send SGTF to the Balitbang of the Ministry of Health, so that the diagnosis of Omicron can be obtained more quickly," he said.