Don't Be Late, IDI Asks The Government To Immediately Evaluate PPKM

JAKARTA - The Executive Board of the Indonesian Doctors Association (PB IDI) asked the government to anticipate a surge in COVID-19 cases due to the Omicron variant. The Elected Chairperson of PB IDI M. Adib Khumaidi said that this anticipation must be carried out by evaluating the policy of implementing restrictions on community activities (PPKM).

Adib understands that the government is indeed in a difficult condition because increasing the level of PPKM will have an impact on the community's economy. However, he warned not to let this problem worsen health conditions in the country.

"This is indeed a difficult position from the government. On the one hand, the economy is already running, so there are consequences if PPKM Level 3 is carried out, there will be consequences that will arise from an economic point of view, what is clear from us is that with conditions that are starting to progress, be careful we have experience with Delta," said Adib as quoted from the YouTube AMSI of the Indonesian Cyber Media Association on Saturday, February 5.

Furthermore, Adib asked the government to periodically evaluate the implementation of PPKM. The goal is that level changes that cause rule changes can be carried out quickly before the conditions for the spread of COVID-19 get worse.

"Currently, the government may consider it not (dangerous, ed) but it is still being updated. But if this continues to increase, it is not impossible to carry out Level 3 PPKM," he said.

"So the determination of PPKM level 1-3 brake gas must be evaluated continuously, don't let it be too late," added Adib.

On that occasion, Adib also reminded that Indonesia had entered the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic due to the Omicron variant. It's just, what's happening right now hasn't reached its peak.

In addition, the community is now also considered to be better in responding to COVID-19 cases in the country. One example is the increasing number of health facilities by residents who want to undergo a COVID-19 test for fear of being infected.

"What I see is quite good in Jakarta, the public's response is because the concern in the delta is high so everyone is flocking to the PCR test. So, the queue at the PCR site is getting crowded because they have the initiative when it turns out that he is positive, at least that's a way to protect themselves and family and community environment," he concluded.