15 Employees Of The Ministry Of Law And Human Rights In Bali Positive For COVID-19

DENPASAR - A total of 15 employees at the office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkum HAM) Bali, tested positive for COVID-19. Direct tracing is carried out by conducting PCR tests on other employees.

"A few days ago there were positive ones here, there were 15 people. That's why we had a lockdown and we closed this office, to clean the office for just a day", said Head of the Regional Office for the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Bali, Jamaruli Manihuruk, Friday, February 4.

15 employees tested positive for COVID-19 on Friday, January 28. After that, a lockdown was carried out for 3 days including requiring employees to test PCR.

"Today there is PCR, it should have been yesterday but it was a bit delayed because tracing was carried out first, it was estimated that there could be 400 people later (PCR swab test)", he added.

Meanwhile, employees who have been exposed to COVID-19 are currently self-isolating. The work pattern is then applied to 50 percent work from home (WFH).

"Now it's 50 percent of WFH. We ordered the positive ones to be self-isolating. Almost all parts have (positive ones). That's why we (had) locked down", he said.