Preventing The Effects Of Sitting Too Long In 7 Simple Ways

JAKARTA – Sitting too long has an unexpected effect. Research has linked a sedentary lifestyle to being overweight, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers. Sitting for long periods of time is also thought to slow down metabolism. Reported by the NHS, Monday, January 31, a slow metabolism affects the body's ability to regulate blood sugar, blood pressure and break down body fat.

According to cardiologist, Martha Grogan, the effect of sitting all day is equivalent to smoking, which is a risk to heart health. In addition, too much sitting causes swollen legs, tailbone pain, back pain, constipation, and back pain.

The evidence for the effects of mostly sitting on top, is based on observational studies that only show a link between sitting and poor health. Although it doesn't cause it directly, to reduce the risk of ill health from inactivity, it's recommended to exercise regularly for at least 150 minutes a week.

What can be done to reduce sitting time, for example when working at home or working from home? Here are suggestions you can do to get used to being more active.

1. Pause by standing up

For example, when working, give a wedge to the table to allow you to work in a standing position. You can also place the laptop on top of a box or something similar to cut down on sitting time.

2. Stand up when riding public transportation

When riding public transportation, instead of sitting, choose a standing position. This can help stop sitting all the time.

3. Go up the stairs

Instead of dialing a number and then going with the elevator, it is better to take the stairs. By climbing stairs, you can be more active and prevent the bad risks of sitting too much.

4. Choose the farthest but accessible parking space

Generally, choose the parking lot closest to the destination. But in order to keep the body moving or walking, choose a parking space that is further away but allows for access.

5. Standing or walking around on the phone

When it's time to take a break, or contact a mobile legal partner, choose to take a walk while calling. The reason is the same as before, to help the body stay active and reduce the intensity of sitting.

6. Walk to a colleague's desk instead of emailing or calling

Technology helps to speed things up on the one hand, but on the other hand, you rarely move because you choose to send email to a colleague's desk which is only 10 meters away. So if it's possible to access it on foot, choose that method instead of emailing or calling.

7. Engage in a more active hobby

Exchange some time watching television for a more active hobby. For example, hobbies are cycling, gardening, and dancing.

In addition to the seven simple ways above, you can do light stretching in a chair while working or watching television.