JAKARTA Various cases often hit correctional institutions (prisons) in Indonesia. Starting from inmates who are free to go in and out, store gadgets, have good facilities and even control drug trafficking.

Many people say that the various cases that occur show chaoticity in the management of prisons in the country. Some time ago, one of the accounts on social media X (twitter), namely @logikapolitid, caused a stir through a tweet about Mario Dandy Satriyo. Rafael Alun Trisambodo's son who was sentenced to 12 years in prison due to severe abuse against David Ozora is said to have received special treatment when in prison.

The account, which often calls himself Pablo, reveals Mario's actions who regularly returns to one of his homes. This information was obtained after Pablo's disguise in Salemba.

"It's crazy, just like a suspect in corruption, fertilizer can be escorted by the police chief... Well, what about the class of a former tax official? Takis or not, the result of Pablo's disguise in Salemba, replied if you were interested," the account tweeted.

In addition, the account also did not forget to mention the Salemba Prison account when adding a tweet regarding Mario Dandy in prison. "Hi @Lapas_Salemba, how is Mario Dandy doing there? Still allowed to leave at 11/12 back before dawn?"

The account @logikapolitid revealed that there were special hours for Mario Dandy to be allowed to leave the prison to return home, namely on Jalan Wijaya, South Jakarta. Oh yes, no 1 (housing on Jalan Wijaya) is the safest place for Mario & his father (RAT).

On the sidelines of Mario Dandy's trial, Tuesday (27/6), David Ozora's attorney, Mellisa Anggraini also said that Mario Dandy also had access to communication devices/phones while in detention. "Indeed, it was told by one of the witnesses who was present today that he was called by someone, who he later said was Mario Dandy," Melisa said.

Mario Dandy Satriyo's case may be just a small example of marut chaoticity that occurred in various prisons in Indonesia. So, is there no solution to overcome the chaotic shock that hit the prison? Several sources contacted Monday, December 11, have their respective opinions regarding marut chaos in prisons.

Member of Commission III of the DPR, Arsul Sani, revealed that his party in various working meetings with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights often highlighted this. Of the various meetings, Commission III of the DPR assessed that one of the causes of chaotic marut in prisons was the issue of excessive capacity.

Arsul stated that the DPR with the capacity as a legislator has tried to overcome the problem of excess capacity in prisons by ratifying the revision of the Criminal Code (RKUHP).

According to him, in the new Criminal Code, the criminal punishment policy for a person has been changed by prioritizing the principle of restorative justice. The DPR, continued Arsul, hopes that the application of restorative justice can unravel the problem of excess capacity in various prisons.

"Our prison is indeed unbalanced between the availability of places to accommodate prisoners and prisoners with an increase in the number of prisoners and prisoners. One is like a count series, one is increasing like a benchmark series," said Arsul.

However, he emphasized that without strict supervision from the Directorate General of PAS under the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, the issue of chaotic behavior in prisons would never be resolved. DPR can only help in terms of laws and regulations, but of course the Directorate General of PAS is authorized in managing prisons," added Arsul.

In line with Arsul, a member of Commission III of the DPR, Supriansa also asked the Directorate General of PAS to be stricter in supervising not only the inmates, but also the officers in prisons. He hopes that with stricter supervision there will be no more negative cases that will further tarnish the image of prisons in Indonesia.

"If the supervision is tight, it can minimize fraud that occurs in prisons," he said.

Another member of Commission III of the DPR, Benny Kabur Harman, also questioned the performance of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, in this case the Directorate General of PAS, regarding the supervision of prisons. This is because he still often gets reports about violations that occur in prisons, including drug transactions.

Kalau ke daerah, isu lapas selalu muncul. Transaksi narkoba dalam lapas, ini selalu ditemukan. Ketika ditanyakan ke polisi dan BNN, mereka bilang sulit masuk ke lapas. Ini tentu persoalan tersendiri yang juga perlu diperhatikan, ungkapnya.

Benny added, it would be better if the Ministry of Law and Human Rights collaborated with other parties to overcome acute problems in prisons. "In Sragen, they have also done it, they collaborated with Regional BNN to eradicate drugs in prisons," he said.

Another suggestion came from a member of Commission III of the DPR, Arteria Dahlan, who asked the Directorate General of PAS to have complete prison officer base data. He also regretted that the best graduates from the Immigration Polytechnic (Poltekim) actually had a lot in the directorate or even had a career outside the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

"If the best graduates can be distributed throughout the region, at least it can reflect the positive impression from the Directorate General of PAS throughout Indonesia," he said.

Meanwhile, public policy observer Trubus Rahadiansyah criticized the system and performance of the Directorate General of PAS. The reason is, the Directorate General of PAS has a fairly large authority and budget, which should be used for prison improvement.

"This means that there are actions for those who violate the law, so they are given sanctions, both reprimands and dismissals. If they are not able to supervise, invite the public to play a role in supervision. Given access to participate in monitoring. It should be like that," he said.

According to Trubus, the problems that occur in detention centers and prisons like icebergs are a big threat and require serious handling. This is because a monitoring system that has not yet been maximized is a striking weakness.

"Weakness in supervision has become a problem in itself and I have always shouted. The two bureaucratic reforms that have not been addressed are internal improvements. There are already SOPs and main functions, there are already precursors, it should be implemented," he explained.

He also considered that there were still many cases that occurred in prisons but did not appear in public. He hopes that no party will seem to cover up cases that often occur in prisons.

"Once again this is a matter of integrity. If there is a problem, just replace the Director General, the Regional Office to the Kalapas until the guards are sanctioned according to the rule of law and their position is shifted. You can take the example of the Police institution which always rotates its members. It can be made a kind of SOP whose duties are only two to three years later shifted. This will be effective in preventing the 'know and know' system if a case occurs in prison or detention center," said Trubus.

In addition, the lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Trisakti University, Jakarta, suggested strengthening in terms of transparency and supervision. According to Trubus, supervision using a digitalization system that can be accessed by the public openly can be a solution so that various legal cases that occur in prisons no longer appear.

"The prison is the community, so under supervision, it must collaborate with various parties so that there will be input from experts, NGOs, other institutions including the media. Open monitoring digitization is also important to do," concluded Trubus.

Separately, the Head of Public Relations and Protocol of the Directorate General of PAS, Rika Aprianti, said that her party always supervises and evaluates to minimize violations in various prisons. The Directorate General of PAS, he continued, has a commitment to the implementation of correctional services. Therefore, if violations are found, the Directorate General of PAS will not hesitate to impose strict sanctions on his staff.

"Our commitment has always been the same that if it is proven that there have been violations in the implementation of correctional management, including the services of the inmates, strict sanctions will definitely be imposed. All prison ranks already know about it," he said.

Rika explained that the Directorate General of PAS has three Keys to Advanced Correctional + Back to Basics which is the main basis for the implementation of Correctional Services to Be More Professional, Accountable, Synergy, Transparency and Innovative (PASTI).

According to him, Corrections must adhere to 3+1, namely the three Keys of Advanced Correctionalism and Back to Basics. The third aspect of Advanced Correctional Key is to carry out early detection, play an active role in eradicating drug trafficking, and always build synergies with other law enforcement officers.

Rika emphasized that the Director General of PAS Reynhard Silitonga always reminded all correctional officers that they are obliged to uphold the dignity of correctional institutions in order to realize the increasingly precise correctional.

"The Directorate General of PAS is committed to maintaining the dignity of the Correctional Community by maintaining integrity, professionalism in carrying out his duties, being accountable in budget management, synergy in work, being transparent in providing information and services to the public, and innovatively developing a system to build more and more prison performance," concluded Rika.

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