YOGYAKARTA - In the era of increasingly modern technology, the internet network has become a basic need for people, especially those in urban areas. Moreover, since the pandemic hit the world, a lot of work has been done at home and using the internet.

Therefore, some people take advantage of Wi-Fi networks, or wireless networks that allow devices such as computers and smartphones to connect to the internet to be used to carry out online activities.

To connect to a Wi-Fi network, every device such as a computer or smartphone requires a password that has been set using a router. If your smartphone has been connected to a Wi-Fi network, the data will automatically be saved so you don't need to re-enter the Wi-Fi password.

However, if you want to connect the Wi-Fi network to another device, but you have forgotten the password used, you can view it on your smartphone that has previously been connected to a Wi-Fi network.

The method is also quite easy, and if you want to find out, you can follow the steps that the VOI team has compiled in the article below.

How to View Connected WiFi Password on Android

To see the Wi-Fi passwords that have been connected to your Android mobile device, users can open the "Settings" menu or settings on your phone.

Next, you can select the "Connections" menu to view the network settings. Inside, there are a number of menus, one of which is "Wi-Fi" that you can choose from.

Click the "Wi-Fi" menu, and turn on your "Wi-Fi" network to see which networks are currently active. You can select one of the networks your device has ever connected to and view its password.

If you can't find the network, users can scan by clicking the "Scan" icon, until the Wi-Fi network you're looking for appears.

Next, select the network name you want, then a "QR Code" will appear that you can scan or scan. To see the password of the "Wi-Fi" network, you can scan it using another device, so that the password combination can be read.

After doing that, the "Wi-Fi" password that was once linked to your device will be visible on the phone screen, and you can use it to connect to the internet.

That's how to see the "Wi-Fi" passwords that have been connected to your mobile device. Users can also do this so that they can connect to other devices using the password.

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